个人信息处理同意书 Personal Information Processing Consent Letter

英国RSL资质奖励有限公司 (RSL Awards Limited,以下称RSL) 是您的个人信息境外接收方。其位于中国大陆境内的外资独资企业瑞思乐(北京)咨询有限公司(以下称瑞思乐公司),作为本知情并同意书项下的个人信息处理者,尊重并保护用户个人信息。您使用RSL提供的资格认证服务(包括但不限于您参与的线上及线下所有由RSL直接组织的活动和服务)前,请您完整地阅读RSL隐私政策并确认如下知情并同意书。


RSL Awards Limited (hereinafter “RSL UK”) is an overseas recipient of your personal information. Ruisile (Beijing) Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as RSL China WFOE), a wholly foreign-owned enterprise located in the mainland of China, as the personal information processor under this Informed Consent, respects and protects the user’s personal information. Before using the qualification certification services provided by RSL (including but not limited to all online and offline activities and services directly organised by RSL UK or RSL China WFOE), please read the RSL privacy policy completely and confirm the following informed and consent form.

Personal information processing includes the collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, and deletion of personal information.

  1. 个人信息的收集和使用:



RSL’s core business is to provide music, performing arts, and creative industry qualifications that comply with the UK education framework (including but not limited to online and offline qualification services in which you participate).

When you register, log in, and/or use RSL services, RSL collects the following personal information about you:

  • 您的个人信息收集:RSL将严格遵守《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》及其他适用的中国人民共和国法律法规来保护您的个人信息(未满14周岁未成年人的个人信息为敏感个人信息)。

Your personal information collection: We will strictly adhere to the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China and other applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China to protect your personal information (personal information of junior aged 14 is defined as sensitive personal information).

1.2 收集的目的:我们仅出于以下目的收集、处理、共享和存储您的个人信息:

  • 将您注册为考生,并允许您参加RSL资格认证;
  • 用于认证的管理目的;
  • 进行认证和评估;
  • 颁发认证成绩和证书;
  • 进行任何调查或申诉;
  • 为您购买书籍和资料提供便利;
  • 以其他方式向您提供您要求的服务、产品或信息;
  • 在必要时与您的培训/学习提供方进行沟通;
  • 提供有关我们的工作、服务或活动的进一步信息(如有必要,仅当您同意接收此类信息时);
  • 回答您的问题/要求,并与您进行一般沟通;
  • 管理与我们的合作伙伴和服务提供商的关系;
  • 分析和改进我们的工作、服务、活动、产品或信息(包括我们的网站),或用于我们的内部记录;
  • 确保我们的设施安全;
  • 运行/管理RSL的活动,包括我们的网站,并确保以最有效的方式为您和您的设备呈现内容;
  • 审计和/或管理我们的账户;
  • 履行对我们有约束力的法律义务,例如与我们可能合作的监管、政府和/或执法机构有关的法律义务(例如与纳税或反洗钱有关的要求);
  • 防止欺诈或滥用服务;
  • 关于法律索赔的确立、辩护和/或强制执行;和/或其他法律要求。

Purposes of collection: We will collect, process, share and store your personal information for the following purposes only:

  • to register you as a candidate and allow you to sit examinations;
  • for examination administration purposes;
  • to conduct examinations and assessments;
  • to issue examination results and certificates;
  • to carry out any reviews or appeals;
  • to facilitate your purchase of books and materials;
  • to otherwise provide you with services, products or information you have requested;
  • to communicate as necessary with training/learning providers;
  • to provide further information about our work, services or activities (where necessary, only where you have provided your consent to receive such information);
  • to answer your questions/ requests and communicate with you in general;
  • to manage relationships with our partners and service providers;
  • to analyse and improve our work, services, activities, products or information (including our website), or for our internal records;
  • to keep our facilities safe and secure;
  • to run/administer the activities of RSL, including our website, and ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device;
  • to audit and/or administer our accounts;
  • to satisfy legal obligations which are binding on us, for example in relation to regulatory, government and/or law enforcement bodies with whom we may work (for example requirements relating to the payment of tax or anti-money laundering);
  • for the prevention of fraud or misuse of services;
  • for the establishment, defense and/ or enforcement of legal claims; and/or other law basis.
  1. 个人信息的类别:RSL向您收集以下个人信息,并传输至中国大陆的境外接收方(详见:个人信息出境告知书):
  • 姓名
  • 出生日期
  • 性别
  • 唯一的考生标识符/唯一的考生编号
  • 您所报名参加的认证项目详细信息,包括等级、专业、认证类型、认证方式、个人乐器偏好、特殊身体状况、是否有日期和时间要求
  • 考生提供的录制认证视频格式文件

Categories of personal information: We will collect the following personal information from you (personal information of below 14 years of age is defined as sensitive personal information), and export this personal information to servers located outside of the People’s Republic of China to be accessed by overseas data processors:

  • Name
  • Birth date
  • Gender
  • Unique candidate identifiers / unique learner numbers
  • Detailed information of your qualification(s), including grade, portfolio, exam type, exam method, personal instrument preference, special needs, and specific date and timing requirement
  • Recorded video exam file(s) submitted by the candidate
  1. 敏感个人信息(如适用):

为了向您提供RSL认证服务,中国大陆境内的外商独资企业(个人信息处理者)和第三方个人信息处理者(例如您参与培训的机构或教师个人)收集敏感个人信息(例如不满十四周岁未成年人的个人信息)。上述个人信息处理者将按要求对上述信息采取保护措施, 严格遵守相关法律法规和监管要求。




In order to provide you with RSL certification services, RSL wholly-owned foreign enterprise located in the mainland of China and third-party personal information processors (such as the training school or teacher that you are learning with) in the Mainland of China will collect  sensitive personal information (such as personal information of minors under 14 years of age). The aforementioned personal information processors take protective measures for the above information as required, and strictly comply with relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements.

We will strictly control access to your sensitive personal information, under the principle of data minimisation, and ensure that staff who may have access to your sensitive personal information have sufficient authorization. We will also take technical measures to record and control the processing of sensitive personal information by our staff to prevent your sensitive personal information from being illegally copied and/or downloaded.

We only store your sensitive personal information for the time necessary to achieve the above purposes and/or in accordance with the contract terms and conditions of your country, unless the laws of the People’s Republic of China stipulates a mandatory storage time for your sensitive personal information. After the storage period expires, we will delete your sensitive personal information or anonymize it according to legal requirements.

According to legal regulations, personal information provided by candidates aged 14 or below is sensitive personal information, and we need to obtain the explicit consent of the candidate’s parents or guardians.

  1. 同意和撤回



Consent and Withdrawal

You agree that we collect and use the above personal information (including sensitive personal information) for our main processing purposes.

The provision of your personal information to us is voluntary. However, without providing us with your personal information, your use of our services or your interaction with us may be impaired. For example, you will be unable to take an examination or receive a qualification.

  1. 义务和免责条款



Obligations and Disclaimers

RSL China WFOE signs a data processing agreement with the third-party personal information processor in the mainland of China (such as a training institution and individual teacher where you participate in RSL related learning) on behalf of RSL UK to clarify their respective responsibilities and obligations, ensure that they only collect personal information necessary for the fulfilment of qualification services, and take adequate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of your personal information.

RSL Disclaimer: RSL shall fulfill its obligation of notifying the third-party personal information processors their responsibilities through a formal agreement. If the third-party personal information processor who has signed a data processing agreement with RSL violates the agreement or laws and regulations, RSL shall not be held responsible for their illegal behaviour, and shall no longer maintain a cooperative relationship with the aforementioned third-party personal information processor.

  1. 个人信息的保密和披露: RSL依法对个人信息承担保密的义务,惟当法律法规确有要求或者政府机关提出明确指令的情况下,RSL将适当披露个人信息。

Confidentiality and Disclosure of Personal Information: RSL is obligated to keep personal information confidential in accordance with the law. However, when required by laws and regulations or explicitly instructed by government agencies, RSL will appropriately disclose personal information.

  1. 个人信息的存储: 收集的个人信息将保存在RSL在中国境内和/或境外云服务器上,保存期限为5年(详见RSL个人信息出境告知书)。逾期数据将进行匿名化处理或删除,法律法规另行规定或允许延长其保留期限或您另行同意延长其保留期限的除外。

Storage of Personal Information: The collected personal information will be stored on RSL’s cloud servers in China and/or overseas for a period of 5 years (see RSL’s consent form for personal information outbound processing for details). Overdue data will be anonymized or deleted, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or allowed to extend its retention period, or you agree to extend its retention period.

  1. 个人信息的委托处理、共享、跨境传输:详见RSL个人信息出境告知书

Entrusted processing, sharing, and cross-border transmission of personal information: Please refer to the RSL Personal Information Outbound Processing Consent Form for details.

  1. 个人信息的管理和保护: 根据适用的中国法律法规,视情形而定,您对您的个人信息拥有以下权利:反对权、查阅和知情权、更正权、删除权、撤回同意权、注销账户权、复制权、数据可移植性权利、要求解释说明权,以及适用法律法规要求的其他个人权利,这些权利的适用情形不同。您可以通过联系info@rslawards.com.cn来行使您的权利。
  • 反对权:您可以限制、撤回或者拒绝RSL对您的个人信息的处理。您的限制、撤回或者拒绝将导致RSL无法为您提供服务
  • 查阅和知情权:您可以要求RSL确认您的个人信息是否得到处理。您还有权要求查阅您的个人信息和了解以下信息:处理的目的;处理的个人信息类别;已经获得个人信息的第三方身份或类型等。
  • 更正权:如果您的个人信息不正确,您有权让RSL更正您的个人信息。您有权将有关您的不完整个人信息予以完整,包括提供补充信息。
  • 删除权:在下列情况下,RSL会主动删除您的个人信息,您也可以要求RSL删除您的个人信息:
    • 处理目的已实现、无法实现或为实现处理目的不再必要;
    • RSL停止提供产品或者服务,服务已全部完成,或者保存期限已届满;
    • 您撤回同意;
    • RSL违反法律法规规定,收集、使用、共享、转让、披露个人信息;
    • RSL违反其隐私政策及本知情并同意书的内容,收集、使用、共享、转让、披露个人信息;
    • 法律法规规定的其他情形。
    • 撤回同意权和注销账户:您可以在使用RSL服务过程中撤回对收集上述个人信息的同意授权。但撤回同意不影响撤回前基于同意的个人信息处理。如果通过注册账户接受RSL提供的服务或参与RSL组织的活动,您可注销自己的账户。您的账户注销后,RSL将及时删除您的个人信息或匿名化处理。因法律法规规定需要留存个人信息的,不能再次将其用于日常业务活动中。
    • 复制权:您可以请求获取您提供的个人信息的副本。
    • 数据可移植性权利:您可以请求将您的个人信息转移至您指定的个人信息处理者,符合国家网信部门规定条件的,RSL将提供转移的途径。
    • 要求解释说明权:您有权要求RSL对个人信息处理的规则进行解释说明。


  1. Management and protection of personal information: According to applicable Chinese laws and regulations, depending on the circumstances, you have the following rights to your personal information: the right to object, the right to access and know, the right to correct, the right to delete, the right to withdraw consent, the right to cancel accounts, the right to copy, the right to data portability, the right to require interpretation, and other personal rights required by applicable laws and regulations. These rights are applicable to different situations. You can contact info@rslawards.com.cn To exercise your rights.

9.1 Right of Objection: You may limit, withdraw, or refuse RSL’s processing of your personal information. Your restriction, withdrawal, or refusal will result in RSL being unable to provide you with services.

9.2 Right to Access and Information: You can request RSL to confirm whether your personal information has been processed. You also have the right to request access to your personal information and to understand the following information: the purpose of processing; The category of personal information processed; The third-party identity or type of personal information that has been obtained.

9.3 Correction Rights: If your personal information is incorrect, you have the right to have RSL correct your personal information. You have the right to complete any incomplete personal information related to you, including providing supplementary information.

9.4 Deletion Rights: In the following situations, RSL will proactively delete your personal information, and you can also request RSL to delete your personal information:

9.4.1 The processing purpose has been achieved, cannot be achieved, or is no longer necessary to achieve the processing purpose;

9.4.2 RSL stops providing products or services, and all services have been completed, or the storage period has expired;

9.4.3 You withdraw your consent;

9.4.4 RSL violates laws and regulations by collecting, using, sharing, transferring, and disclosing personal information;

9.4.5 RSL violates its privacy policy and the content of this informed and consent form by collecting, using, sharing, transferring, and disclosing personal information;

9.4.6 Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

9.4.7 Withdrawal of Consent and Account Cancellation: You may revoke your consent to collect the aforementioned personal information during the use of RSL services. However, withdrawing consent does not affect the processing of personal information based on consent prior to withdrawal. If you accept services provided by RSL or participate in activities organized by RSL by registering an account, you can cancel your account. After your account is cancelled, RSL will promptly delete your personal information or anonymize it. Personal information that needs to be retained due to legal regulations cannot be used again in daily business activities.

9.4.8 Reproduction Rights: You may request a copy of the personal information you provide.

9.4.9 data portability right: You can request to transfer your personal information to the personal information processor designated by you. If the conditions specified by the national network information department are met, RSL will provide the way of transfer.

9.4.9 Right to Explanation: You have the right to request RSL to explain the rules for personal information processing.

RSL values personal information security and will take appropriate measures to protect it, making reasonable efforts to prevent personal information from being leaked, damaged, or lost. At the same time, RSL kindly understands that there are currently no “perfect” security measures in the field of information networks. In the event of a security incident causing your personal information to be leaked, damaged, tampered with, or lost, we will immediately initiate an emergency plan, notify you in a timely manner, take remedial measures, and report to the government regulatory authorities in accordance with legal regulations.






Contact RSL China WFOE:

Ruisile (Beijing) Consulting Limited

Apartment 516, Unit 2, Building 13, No.6, Antai Street

Shunyi District, Beijing
